“Panta rhei”, everything flows, famous aphorims used to characterize the great maestro Heraclitus thought for trasmit the inevitable sense of the everything flows forever.
Everything flows and everything get old, as in computing, starting from bit that running quickly in the golden circuits, to the daily update of software.
“No man bathes in the same river twice.”
When you are a teenager you have time to code, trying, waste time to install Windows 95 by 30 floppy disks. When you grow up you have the university exams, social life, job. So where did my passions go? I have seen my old website and after a nostalgic smile i thought to renew the style and the aim. I would like to thanks to all people who contact me in the past for support me with "NoNotifyAvira". As a day in the 2009, when the life flows quickly i stopped myself and say "breathe and rediscovery your passions which have brought you here".