Bored by the popup advertising of Avira Antivir, i decided to write a little program in batch to remove that nag screen. I wrote this tool for my friends, whom like it. One day i decided to simplify the life of many people sharing my program, so i published it on “No Notify Avira 3.3.1.” In short time my program has been appreciated and downloaded and used with successfully from many people. Ever in short time Avira noticed this program and decided to identify No Notify Avira as virus. With the virus updating definition of 23 March 2010 No Notify Avira v3.3.1 has been classified as malware. We know that the advertise is an earn. I contacted Avira and said that it would be a “false positive”, but they replied with this email:
In my opinion only the persons who has downloaded my program, can say: “No Notify Avira is not a virus!”.
“The ethic is the most important thing of a person that can be see through out his actions, determining his reputation”. (thanks Mr. C.P. for the reflections)
Win Magazine is the most sold computing magazine in Italy, and it wrote about NoNotifyAvira (Certificated by ADS)
No Notify Avira modify two keys of regedit: one for the popup advertising and the other for the startup splash screen. With windows 7 No Notify Avira use a special command line (icacls.exe) that block the excuting of “avnotify.exe” that is the responsable of the advertising. No Notify Avira used the tools of your O.S. (windows) to block “avnotify.exe”, it doesn’t touch in any way Avira Antivir.
First of all disable your antivirus Avira Antivir Guard.
Download the last version of No Notify Avira.
MD5Sum: ee9194cb42985cfbfe9200da08419ff6 NoNotifyAvira-v4.0.1.7z
Execute No Notify Avira with administrator privileges
If after the second update you will still received some errors, please read the F.A.Q.
1) After the update i have received this message “The size of AVNOTIFY.EXE has been modified! This could be made by virus”
Only with the first update could show this error. This it’s caused by Windows that block permanently avnotify.exe changing its size (icacls.exe). If the problem still persists, block manually the file avnotify.exe, read the article to use the manual procedure.
2) After the update i have received this message “Out of memory! Shutting down AVNOTIFY”
Block manually the file avnotify.exe, read the article to use the manual procedure.
No Notify Avira v4.0.1 (win95/98/NT/XP/Vista x32/7 x32/7 x64)
Date: 24 May 2011 16:00
No Notify Avira v3.4.1 (win95/98/NT/XP/Vista x32/7 x32/7 x64)
Date: 03 April 2010 15:03
No Notify Avira v3.4 (win95/98/NT/XP/Vista x32/7 x32)
Date: 29 March 2010 21:40
#01 : windows 7 ultimate x64 modify the startup string of avira in
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "avgnt"="C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe" /min /ns
You can use the last release to resolve the problem.
No Notify Avira v3.3.1 (win95/98/NT/XP/Vista x32/7 x32)
Date: 22 March 2010 23:05
No Notify Avira v3.0 (win95/98/NT/XP/Vista x32)
Date: 02 September 2009 10:04