
Articles and guides made ​​exclusively for fun.

Hardening desktop Linux

December 8th, 2020

At every new installation of Linux (Kubuntu) i will set some performance and stable optimizations. Use ramdisk to mount the /tmp folder If you have a SSD is important to limit the write operations for a better disk life. So let’s use mount the tmp folder in RAM. # nano /etc/fstab – – – – […]

Fix “freezing”/”block” on kubuntu system with NVIDIA GeForce graphic card

March 21st, 2020

When you use NVIDIA driver on kubuntu systems maybe you will incurred in some issues like “freezing” or “block” when switching between windows (alt+tab). In order to fix you have to disable compositor from “System Settings” and restart your computer.

How backup files to a specific external disk automatically when it is connected

How backup files to a specific external disk automatically when it is connected – [Linux]

December 30th, 2019

A strong backup policy provides to keep an offline (not connect to any kind of device) copy of own files, protecting your data against ransomware, device failure, etc. We can use an external Hard Disk Drive (HDD) to connected every week to our server/workstation and automatically backup files and send an email at the end […]

Convert raw Nikon Electronic Format (NEF) files to JPEG – [Linux]

November 30th, 2019

Some times you need to convert a lot of files from .nef to .jpeg format in a Linux environment.  You can do this jobs easily with UFRaw tool. Requirements: $ sudo apt-get install ufraw Steps: Launch then the terminal, switch to the directory containing NEF files, and run the following command: $ ufraw-batch –out-type=jpeg –out-path=./jpg […]

How to make ISO file from DVD (protected) – [Linux]

August 31st, 2019

I like do a backup of all my DVD’s and play them with VLC from a shared folder. So, how backup them? Requirements: $ sudo apt-get install dvdbackup genisoimage Steps: First you need to retrieve all keys to decrypt the DVD. $ dvdbackup -M After the starting copy of dvdbackup you can stop the execution […]

How to install OpenSSH on Windows 7 / 10

September 23rd, 2018

Use SSH on Windows, how running/launching graphical programs on remote computer in the same user session logon on Windows OS. Requirements:– OpenSSH (you can download the binaries from the official repository on github– PsTools (official useful tools from Microsoft– PowerShell Install Pstools (by microsoft) Download the tools Copy the content of the folder […]

PHP Access To An MSSQL Database From Debian with ODBC And FreeTDS

June 15th, 2018

If you upgrade OpenProject from 6 to 7 maybe you will have some trouble with SSL certificate. Symptons – can’t login into openproject with LDAP method configured After the upgrade the log reports: “NET::LDAP:Error (hostname “yourhostname” does not match the server certificate)”. After some emails with openporject support we did not find any solutions, so […]

Fix NET::LDAP:Error Login in OpenProject 7.4.6

May 22nd, 2018

If you upgrade OpenProject from 6 to 7 maybe you will have some trouble with SSL certificate. Symptons – can’t login into openproject with LDAP method configured After the upgrade the log reports: “NET::LDAP:Error (hostname “yourhostname” does not match the server certificate)”. After some emails with openporject support we did not find any solutions, so […]

How compile and install keePassX 2.0

January 26th, 2016

Compile KeePassX 2.0 on K/Ubuntu 14.04 Download source code:, choose “the Source code tarball”. Prerequisites: # apt-get install build-essential cmake qt4-qmake libqt4-dev libgcrypt-dev zlib1g-dev Go in the folder where you downloaded the source code and type following commands: $ tar -zxvf keepassx-2.0.tar.gz $ cd keepassx-2.0 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../ […]

Number of cyber attacks daily

April 17th, 2014

My personal monitor of cyber attacks In the last year i have noticed an increase of cyber attacks to my website. I have decided to collect them and make a statistics of attack daily. The first question is “Who do this cyber attack?”. Well, in some cases are just bored people, but in general are […]