
Convert raw Nikon Electronic Format (NEF) files to JPEG – [Linux]

November 30th, 2019

Some times you need to convert a lot of files from .nef to .jpeg format in a Linux environment.  You can do this jobs easily with UFRaw tool. Requirements: $ sudo apt-get install ufraw Steps: Launch then the terminal, switch to the directory containing NEF files, and run the following command: $ ufraw-batch –out-type=jpeg –out-path=./jpg […]

How to make ISO file from DVD (protected) – [Linux]

August 31st, 2019

I like do a backup of all my DVD’s and play them with VLC from a shared folder. So, how backup them? Requirements: $ sudo apt-get install dvdbackup genisoimage Steps: First you need to retrieve all keys to decrypt the DVD. $ dvdbackup -M After the starting copy of dvdbackup you can stop the execution […]